The Book of Revelation simplified for you! Warnings end-times, or last days and signs of the times (Matthew 24).

Blessed are they that read, and those who hear the terms of this prophecy... (Rev 1:3)

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Is there a fifth kingdom prophesied in the book of Daniel? If so, can this be confirmed? The purpose of this document is to establish a biblical foundation for the substantiation of the fifth kingdom theory. The writer has over a lengthy period read a number of expositions pertaining to Daniel’s prophecies.  To date, and to the best of his knowledge, he does not recollect any of the respective authors propounding the possibility of a fifth kingdom. And yet, by implication – the fifth kingdom is the greatest of them all … “Our Father, who art in heaven. Thy Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven…”.

 7:18 But the saints of the Most High shall take the kingdom and possess the kingdom forever, even forever and ever.

 7:21 I watched, and that horn made war with the saints and overcame them. 22 Until the Ancient of Days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the Most High. And the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom. 23 And he said, the fourth beast should be the fourth kingdom on earth, which shall be different from all kingdoms and shall devour the whole earth, and shall trample it and crush it. 24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise. And another shall arise after them. And he shall be different from the first, and he shall humble three kings. 25 And he shall speak words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and plot to change times and laws. And they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and one-half time. 26 But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his ruler ship, to cut off and to destroy until the end. 27 And the kingdom and ruler ship, and the greatness of the kingdom under all the heavens, shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom. And all kingdoms shall serve and obey Him.

 2:44 And in the days of these kings, the God of Heaven shall set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed. And the kingdom shall not be left to other peoples, but it shall crush and destroy all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever. 45 Because you saw that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it crushes the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver, and the gold, the great God has made known to the king what shall occur after this. And the dream is certain, and its meaning is sure.

 2:34. You watched until a stone was cut out without hands, which struck the image upon its feet, which were of iron and clay, and broke them to pieces. 35 Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver, and the gold were broken to pieces together. And they became like the chaff of the summer threshing floors. And the wind carried them away, so that no place was found for them. And the stone that struck the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth.

 It is clear from the extrapolation of the above scriptures that an everlasting kingdom (the 5th) is prophesied to follow on from the 4thkingdom, which in its final form is the ten kings. When our beloved Lord Jesus returns he will destroy the Ten Nation coalition force at the battle of Jerusalem. After the sheep and goat judgement He will usher in His one thousand year rule and reign from Jerusalem.  Thereafter, together with His Father they will rule and reign from the New Jerusalem – the New Heaven and New Earth – the eternal kingdom. 

Compiled by: The Final Word Internet Ministry 

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Devotions and Sign Language; Warnings re end times or last days, signs of the times in Matthew 24, another holocaust, spiritual warfare, exposing Catholicism, error in the Roman Catholic Church, mystery Babylon the great, Daniel's days, crowns and rewards, battle of Armageddon, house church concept, the final reformation, two beasts revealed, mark of the beast, 666 or 616, four horsemen of the Apocalypse, FAQ re Revelation and Rome, God's redemptive plan, and much more.